I recently read the book "Life Strategies for Sleeping Through the 40 Year Old Wall.

Hello. Today, for the first time in a while, I would like to introduce a book.
It's called "Life Strategies to Surpass the 40-Year-Old Barrier" by Mr. Haru Oishi.
I am now 41 years old. I am exactly the right generation for this book. The reason I bought this book is because I myself feel the 40-year-old wall mentioned in the book, and my child's first grade of elementary school is coming this spring. I also wanted to know what people of the same generation are feeling and living like on a daily basis. If you are one of those people, you might want to read this book.
Now, let me introduce the contents of the book.
- Those who have confronted their values by realizing the existence of the "40-year-old wall," stopping, climbing, and slipping through it, are strong.
- Incorporating going out at a certain time, meeting people, and using your thinking skills into your daily routine is important for living a happy life after age 40.
- What is it that makes you say, "This is fun! I want to do it!" What do you think is "interesting! If you know this clearly, you have a clear sense of what is important to you and your values, in other words, "the criteria for your current actions and choices. Even if they do not know their purpose in life, they have a clear direction to go.

I especially recommend this book to mothers who struggle with one-parent childcare with a full-time job. I really think that mothers in the world, who are always pressed for time and housework, are amazing.
By the way, my basic daily schedule is as follows.
4-5 a.m.: Wake up (read newspaper or do office work) → 6:30 a.m.: Make breakfast, prepare dinner, and take care of other household chores → 9 a.m.: Daycare → 9:15 a.m.: Leave for work → 5 p.m.: Pick up from daycare and lessons, finish dinner and take care of household chores → 10 p.m.: Go to bed with child
My daughter will enter elementary school this spring, so how will this rhythm change? I also think the key point is whether I can flexibly respond to the changes. To be honest, I am pondering what to do because I am already feeling full of it. I am sure there are many people in similar situations like this and many others who are going through a lot of trial and error. I am sure that this book will make things a little easier for them and help them see their respective paths more clearly. This is the kind of book that makes me think so.
*The introduction of the book by this blog is my own personal one and is not an affiliate advertisement in any way. I only write about books that I have read and found interesting or that I think should be shared with an unspecified number of people.